
Words of Wisdom from Veteran & Athlete Heath Calhoun

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War Veteran and professional athlete, Heath Calhoun, appears in "The Fall Line": A Warrior's Homecoming. The following quotes are more inspirational words from Heath on overcoming setbacks and living life to the fullest.

On service

I'm honored to have served our country as a soldier and now as a Paralympic athlete (Calhoun’s <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Twitter page</u></a> & <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Facebook page</u></a> ) <br/><br/>You should use your unique God-given talents to serve one another, as that is the true measure by which our lives will be judged. Follow the Golden Rule (Calhoun’s “<u><a href="" target="_blank">4 Simple Truths</a></u>”)

On disability

Self-doubt is a much greater disability than a guy that’s missing both of his legs” (<u><a href="" target="_blank">Interview </a></u>with Kelloggs) <br/><br/>We all fight our own battles, with what we have. Whether it’s a physical disability, mental disability, or a disability we give ourselves (<u><a href="" target="_blank">The Fall Line</a></u>)

On life

Life is precious and it passes by too quickly. Plan ahead, but live each day to the fullest (Calhoun’s “<u><a href="" target="_blank">4 Simple Truths</a></u>”) <br/><br/>My life has truly been blessed since I lost my legs. It’s an experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone else, but, since it was mine, I’ve definitely enjoyed myself (<u><a href="" target="_blank">The Fall Line</a></u>)


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